الانضمام إلى منصة تعليمية على قدرٍ عالٍ من الاحترافية والتطور هي الغاية التي يسعى إليها كل طالب خلال رحلة بحثه عن فرصة تعليمية متميزة، تتيح حصوله على درجة علمية معتمدة، وتفتح أمامه أفاق واسعة في سوق العمل عقب التخرج؛ وتعتبر جامعة ألتن باش واحدة من أفضل الجامعات التركية التي ينضم إليها الكثير من الطلاب كل عام

"> الانضمام إلى منصة تعليمية على قدرٍ عالٍ من الاحترافية والتطور هي الغاية التي يسعى إليها كل طالب خلال رحلة بحثه عن فرصة تعليمية متميزة، تتيح حصوله على درجة علمية معتمدة، وتفتح أمامه أفاق واسعة في سوق العمل عقب التخرج؛ وتعتبر جامعة ألتن باش واحدة من أفضل الجامعات التركية التي ينضم إليها الكثير من الطلاب كل عام


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


altinbasis University was established in 2008, to possess a number of clear goals that revolve around educating the current generation of young people of the century and upgrading their scientific, intellectual and cultural level, and increasing their ability to integrate into society with great efficacy, by providing a distinct educational experience for all students joining the university, this In addition to the exchange opportunities for students with the best universities in the world to exchange experiences and competencies, and to give students more opportunities in the fields of education and scientific research, which has already contributed to graduating a generation of a large amount of awareness succeeded in making a clear difference in society..

The university ranks 7086 globally, and on the Turkish level, the university has succeeded in occupying an advanced educational rank as it is considered one of the 100 best Turkish universities, the university is located in the European side of Istanbul in the famous Mahmoud Bey district of Bağcılar region, and all the university's people strive to raise their level and status to take a better position globally, and enjoy the advantage of learning in that attractive tourist spot in Istanbul.

Altinbasis Campus

On the campus of altinbasis University, which is absolutely no less than the campus of any international university, students will find room for comprehensive services that vary between cultural and recreational facilities and services, those services that give all students the ability to address educational obstacles and the opportunity to enjoy thier study period.

The university has approximately 13,000 students, including nearly 3,000 international students, who join the campus branches spread in the city of Istanbul, as the first campus of the university is located in the neighborhood of Mahmoud Bey. It is considered the center of higher education and vocational education, while the third campus is located in Bakirkoy.

The university campus includes many colleges, including various majors, and the university provides its students with a large and comprehensive scientific library of books and references

a hall for various sports, in addition to laboratories, seminar halls, and buildings equipped at the highest level to receive lectures.

Altinbasis Characteristics

altinbasis University has its uniqueness with many advantages that make it the ideal educational options for all students enrolled in it, whether they are local or international, and these advantages are as follows:

The diversity of academic majors within the university between medical, technical, and engineering in various fields.

Advanced curricula at the highest level and in line with international quality standards, which guarantees students an academic education of great quality and professionalism.

Providing many scholarships for foreign students in exchange for its partnership with many European countries, in addition to its partnership in the Erasmus group for student exchange between universities worldwide.

The country obtained accreditation from the European Union and a number of Arab countries, including Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan.

The university focuses on adopting the scientific method of thinking while avoiding indoctrination and focuses on the requirements of the labor market so that students are

trained in an innovative way, and a lot of academic efforts are directed towards scientific research and its development.

Studying in Istanbul is the most famous Turkish city that encourages culture and scientific research and joining an educational and cultural institution the size of the University of altinbasis is an opportunity that cannot be missed by students who want a professional educational level and an accredited certificate

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Dentistry English 15000
Graphic design Turkish 3000
Interior architecture and environmental design English 4000
Fashion Design Turkish 3000
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 3000
Jewelry design Turkish 3000
Business Administration English 4000
logistics management English 3000
International trade English 4000
Cooking Art Turkish 3000
Health Department Turkish 3000
Management Information Systems Turkish 3000
Faculty of Law Turkish 4000
Economics English 3000
Psychology English 4000
Political Science and Public Administration English 3000
Social Work Turkish 4000
Sociology English 3000
International Relations English 3000
Computer Engineering English 5000
Software Engineering English 3500
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 4000
Industrial Engineering English 4000
Civil Engineering English 4000
Civil Engineering Turkish 4000
Mechanical Engineering English 4000
Architecture English 4000
Architecture Turkish 4000
Human Medicine English 20000
Pharmacy English 10000
Fine Arts Turkish 3000
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 3000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Turkish 4000
Software Engineering Turkish 3500
Painting Turkish 3000
Industrial Engineering Turkish 4000
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 4000

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Business Administration English 5000
Global Marketing and Brand Management Turkish 4000
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 4000
Political Science And international relations English 4000
International Trade Law and European Union Turkish 4000
Information Technologies English 5000
Electrical and Computer Engineering English 4000
Industrial Engineering English 4000
Mechanical Engineering English 4000
Biomedical science English 4000
Children's dentistry Turkish 16200
Orthodontics English 75000
Civil Engineering English 4000
Architecture English 4000
Political Science And international relations Turkish 4000
Faculty of Law Turkish 4000
Data Analysis English 4000
International taxation English 4000
International taxation Turkish 4000
Accounting and Auditing Turkish 4000
Graphic design Turkish 4000
Fashion Design Turkish 4000
Fine Arts Turkish 4000
Jewelry design Turkish 3000
Electrical and Computer Engineering Turkish 4000
Information Technologies English 5000
Industrial Engineering English 4000
Psychology Turkish 4000
Clinical psychology Turkish 3000
Data Analysis Turkish 4000
Periodontology Turkish 16200
econonics and finance Turkish 4000

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Business Administration Turkish 10000
Business Administration English 10000
Private Law Turkish 10000
Political Science And international relations Turkish 10000
Orthodontics Turkish 25000
Electrical and Computer Engineering English 10000
Electrical and Computer Engineering Turkish 10000
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 10000
International Relations Turkish 10000
Children's dentistry Turkish 19800
Periodontology English 19800
Pharmaceutical Sciences Turkish 19800
Health Department Turkish 19800
