جامعة غيدك هي جامعة تتبع مؤسسات غيدك للتعليم العالي في تركيا، وهى واحدة من أفضل الجامعات المرموقة والخاصة التي يقبل الطلاب الدوليين على الدراسة فيها، تأسست جامعة غيدك سنة 1994، وتحتل المركز 46 على المستوى المحلى بتركيا

"> جامعة غيدك هي جامعة تتبع مؤسسات غيدك للتعليم العالي في تركيا، وهى واحدة من أفضل الجامعات المرموقة والخاصة التي يقبل الطلاب الدوليين على الدراسة فيها، تأسست جامعة غيدك سنة 1994، وتحتل المركز 46 على المستوى المحلى بتركيا


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


Gedik University is one of the greatest private universities in Turkey, it is a non-profit university, and it is also one of the universities that seeks to include outstanding students and give them opportunities for government scholarships.

It is located in the Asian side of Istanbul, about 50 minutes from the city center, and is located on an area of more than 30 thousand square meters.

The university includes more than 10,000 students of various nationalities, the university focus on educating and preparing them for working life and obtaining distinguished job opportunities.

It is one of the mixed universities in education, with housing for male students, and another for female students.

Gedik University Campus

The campus has buildings for guest houses, dining halls, sports facilities, libraries, cafeterias, and public facilities. Gedik University includes a variety of different colleges; the most important of them are:

College of Engineering, which teaches (Computer Engineering - Electronics Engineering - Materials Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Metal Engineering).

University of Fine Arts and Architecture with teaching (Architecture - Industrial Design Engineering).

The University of Sports, which teaches (physical education - mathematics - sports management).

Economic, administrative and social sciences

It is also one of the universities that qualifies you for postgraduate studies, with its staff and components in the fields of:


social science

Health Sciences

University activities

The university has many different activities, including:

Sports activities (soccer fields, volleyball courts, basketball courts, and a bodybuilding gym.

Social activities.

Cultural activities (seminars, conferences, theaters, parties, auditorium with more than 450 seats).

Cafeterias that are diversified and different.

Private parking for up to 150 cars.

Gedik University Goals

To surpass its counterpart in Turkey and become the number one university at the local level.

To become the subject of consideration and concern of the students of the world, through the services it provides to expatriates

Providing high-quality education, locally and internationally.

It seeks to meet the needs of Turkey in the 21st century of competencies and professions that benefit Turkish society

Student culture, including training and self-reliance in life

Providing job opportunities for students after the end of their studies

Gedik University Characteristic


The university allows students to obtain a scholarship from the government in Turkey.

Developing effective cooperation between international universities in various scientific, practical and research fields.

Make a qualitative contribution on developing research at universities.

The University is a member of the Erasmus Student Exchange Program, which allows university students to take advantage of this feature and that qualifies them to study and train in European universities. Which;

South Korea Aviation University.

European University of Slovenia.

Danish Technical Institute, Denmark.


University of California, USA.

University of Azerbaijan, Technical and University of Nakhichevan in Azerbaijan.

Tain Jin University, China.

University of Bppl, England.

The university seeks students to enhance their skills by participating in social work, various group projects, and volunteer work.

The university provides students with the latest scientific methods and the latest technologies in the world of modern technology that help them obtain a scientific certificate that qualifies them to compete in the labor market.

The university has a privileged location in Istanbul, Turkey, as it is near all public transportation that provides every student with a good opportunity to get the services he needs.

The fact that the university obtained certificates of appreciation from the Prime Minister and the most prestigious institutions in Turkey for its unique educational system and educational quality, made it the subject of attention of various international students from all over the world.

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Visual communication design Turkish 2700
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 2700
Architecture Turkish 2700
Cooking Art Turkish 2700
International Relations English 2700
International trade English 2700
Psychology Turkish 2700
Political Science and Public Administration Turkish 2700
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Turkish 2700
Industrial Engineering Turkish 2700
Mechanical Engineering Turkish 2700
Mechatronics Engineering Turkish 2700
Mechatronics Engineering English 2700
Materials Engineering Turkish 2700
Computer Engineering Turkish 2700
Physical Education and Sports Sciences Turkish 2700
Sports Management Turkish 2700
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 2700
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 2700
Nursing Turkish 2700
Child development Turkish 2700
Faculty of Law Turkish 2700
Civil Engineering English 2700
Civil Engineering Turkish 2700
Economics Turkish 2700
Management Information Systems English 2700
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 2700
Sociology Turkish 2700
Software Engineering Turkish 2700
Sports Coaching Turkish 2700

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Visual communication design Turkish 3000
Political Science and Public Administration Turkish 3000
Business Administration Turkish 3000
Business Administration English 3500
International trade Turkish 3000
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 3000
Private Law Turkish 3500
International Relations English 3500
Cooking Art Turkish 3000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Turkish 3000
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 3000
Civil Engineering Turkish 3000
Mechatronics Engineering Turkish 3000
Mechanical Engineering Turkish 3000
Architecture Turkish 3000
Defense Technologies Turkish 3000
Management Engineering Turkish 3000
Management Engineering English 3500
Artificial Intelligence Engineering Turkish 3000
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 3000
Physical Education and Sports Sciences Turkish 3000
Statistics English 3000
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Turkish 3000

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Physical Education and Sports Sciences Turkish 4700
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 4700
Defense Technologies Turkish 4700
International trade Turkish 4700
Business Administration Turkish 4700
