لطالما كان التّعطش للتعلّم هو دافع وغريزة من يطمحون للدراسة بالخارج؛ وذلك بحثاً عن محتوى أكثر دسامة وقوة، مدعوماً بثقافات مختلفة ومهارات أكثر تنوعاً وحياة أكثر تحضراً ولعل جامعة آيدن التركية هي إحدى أفضل الخيارات الغَرّارة

"> لطالما كان التّعطش للتعلّم هو دافع وغريزة من يطمحون للدراسة بالخارج؛ وذلك بحثاً عن محتوى أكثر دسامة وقوة، مدعوماً بثقافات مختلفة ومهارات أكثر تنوعاً وحياة أكثر تحضراً ولعل جامعة آيدن التركية هي إحدى أفضل الخيارات الغَرّارة


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


istanbul aydin university

 Aydin Won’t only fulfil your hunger to education but it will make you come back for more.  It is one of the best Turkish universities that provides its students with more extensive knowledge thanks to their staff which is one of the best coming from all around the globe to teach in the 11 colleges Aydin University have. .

In addition to the good life on the charming land of Istanbul, which smells of the past with its fragrant mixture with the charm of the present and the beauty of its splendor, hereinafter we will address together everything that qualified the University of Eden Istanbul to rise to this status and become a dream that many seek to study in..

istanbul aydin university

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Dentistry Turkish 14000
Dentistry English 17500
Human Medicine Turkish 15000
Human Medicine English 19500
Civil Engineering English 5000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 5000
Mechanical Engineering English 5000
Industrial Engineering English 5000
Computer Engineering English 5000
Business Administration English 5000
International Trade and Finance English 5000
Political Science And international relations English 5000
Civil Aviation Management English 5000
English language and literature English 4500
English Translation and Interpreting English 4000
Russian Translation and Interpreting Turkish 4000
Psychological Counseling and Guidance Turkish 4000
Advertising & Brand Communication Management Turkish 4000
New Media and Communication Systems Turkish 4000
Public relations and advertising Turkish 4000
Journalism Turkish 4000
Visual communication design Turkish 4000
Television Reporting and Programming Turkish 4000
Management Information Systems Turkish 4000
Art Management Turkish 4000
Performing Arts Turkish 4000
Graphic design Turkish 4000
Animation and cartoon Turkish 4000
Fashion Design Turkish 4000
Digital Game Design Turkish 4000
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 4000
Cooking Art Turkish 4000
Sports Management Turkish 4000
Physical Education and Sports Sciences Turkish 4000
History Turkish 4500
Nursing Turkish 4500
Health Department Turkish 4000
Audiology Turkish 4500
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 4500
Child development Turkish 4500
Sociology Turkish 4500
Management Turkish 4500
econonics and finance Turkish 4500
Accounting and Finance Management Turkish 4500
Faculty of Law Turkish 4500
Social Work Turkish 4500
Turkish language and literature Turkish 4500
Food Engineering Turkish 4500
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 4500
Mechanical Engineering Turkish 4500
Civil Engineering Turkish 4500
Architecture Turkish 5000
Interior Design Turkish 5000
Industrial Products Design Turkish 5000
English language teacher English 4500
Computer & Instructional Technologies Turkish 4500
Early Childhood Education Turkish 4500
Private Education Turkish 4000
Statistics Turkish 4000
Computer Programming Turkish 4500
Psychology Turkish 4000
Software Engineering English 5000

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Accounting and Auditing Turkish 4700
English language and literature English 4700
Business Administration English 5200
Human Resources Management Turkish 4700
Quality Management and Assurance Systems Turkish 4700
Political Science And international relations English 5200
Public relations and advertising Turkish 4700
Management of Performing Arts Turkish 4700
Private Law Turkish 4700
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 4700
Design of visual effects Turkish 4700
Turkish language and literature Turkish 4700
Psychology Turkish 4700
Graphic design Turkish 4700
Sociology Turkish 4700
History Turkish 4700
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 4700
Russian Translation and Interpreting Turkish 4700
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 7000
Food Engineering Turkish 5000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Turkish 5700
Computer Engineering Turkish 5000
Architecture Turkish 5000
Mechatronics Engineering Turkish 5000
Mechanical Engineering Turkish 5000
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 5000
Urban and Regional Planning Turkish 5000
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 5000
Psychological Counseling and Guidance Turkish 7000
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 7000
Health Physics Turkish 7000
Health Department Turkish 7000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 5500
Mechanical Engineering English 5700
Audiology Turkish 7000
New Media Turkish 4700
Food safety architecture Turkish 5000
Orthodontics Turkish 22000
Clinical psychology Turkish 8500
Banking and Insurance Turkish 4700

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
English language and literature English 8000
Business Administration Turkish 8000
Public relations and advertising Turkish 8000
Accounting and Auditing Turkish 8000
Turkish language and literature Turkish 8000
Graphic design Turkish 8000
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 8000
Private Law Turkish 8000
Political Science And international relations English 8000
Cinema and Television Turkish 8000
Business Administration English 8000
Computer Engineering Turkish 7000
Architecture Turkish 7000
Food safety architecture Turkish 7000
Mechanical Engineering Turkish 7000
Audiology Turkish 8000
Physical Education and Sports Sciences Turkish 7000
Clinical psychology Turkish 7000
Civil Engineering Turkish 7000
Dental fixtures Turkish 9000
Dentistry Turkish 11000
Banking and Insurance Turkish 8000

Photo istanbul aydin university