تحتل جامعة بيلغي المرتبة 1632 عالمياً وتسعى للارتقاء بمستواها للوصول إلى مرتبة أفضل وتدخل ضمن قائمة أفضل 500 جامعة عالمية، كما تأتي في قائمة أفضل 137 جامعة وفقاً للتصنيف المقام من قبل Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings، ونظراً لما تقدمه الجامعة من مميزات للطلاب المحليين والدوليين يسعى مئات الطلاب للانضمام إليها والالتحاق بالتخصصات المتنوعة المتاحة في الكليات التابعة للجامعة

"> تحتل جامعة بيلغي المرتبة 1632 عالمياً وتسعى للارتقاء بمستواها للوصول إلى مرتبة أفضل وتدخل ضمن قائمة أفضل 500 جامعة عالمية، كما تأتي في قائمة أفضل 137 جامعة وفقاً للتصنيف المقام من قبل Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings، ونظراً لما تقدمه الجامعة من مميزات للطلاب المحليين والدوليين يسعى مئات الطلاب للانضمام إليها والالتحاق بالتخصصات المتنوعة المتاحة في الكليات التابعة للجامعة


Number of students


University Ranking

University address



Education for life, not just for study." This is the slogan that the university adopted and goes according to it since its founding in 1996 until the present time. University administrators are well aware of the importance of university education for scientific and practical life, Therefore, the curricula are completely distant from stereotypes, that’s why The teaching staff in all faculties of the university aims to develop creativity and innovation in the enrolled students And stay away from memorization and memorization

Istanbul Bilgi University is ranked 1632 globally and seeks to raise its level to reach a better rank and enter the list of the top 500 international universities, as well as it comes in the list of the best 137 universities according to the classification established by Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings, The University offers many advantages to local and international students, which makes hundreds of students seek to join and enroll in the various majros available in the university's colleges.

Bilgi Istanbul University Campus


More than 25,000 students joined Istanbul Bilge University to study 150 study programs in 5 different institutes that were distributed within the campus of the university, in addition to more than 30,000 students already graduated and joining nearly 1,000 academic staff from the most skilled professionals in teaching all the specialized curricula.

More than 25,000 students joined Istanbul Bilge University to study 150 study programs submitted by 5 institutes distributed within the campus of the university, in addition to more than 30,000 students already graduated and joining nearly 1,000 academic staff of the most skilled professionals in teaching all the specialized curricula.

This University of Istanbul Bilgi campus also includes many important basic services between the various libraries that include a huge amount of books and references in all disciplines, as well as facilities, laboratories and many other entertainment services available from restaurants that aim primarily to reach students for convenience, also provides laboratories For scientific research and seeks to encourage students and urge them to make further progress.

Bilgi University characteristics

In light of the presence of many universities in the Istanbul area, the difference in students ’choice and preference for a university over others remains due to the advantages that each university enjoys, and Istanbul University Bilgi is one of the oldest Turkish universities that has many advantages that make it at the forefront of the basic options for each student, and is represented These advantages are as follows:


The university supports the exchange of cultures with European countries, and this gives them a high level of quality and professional education, thanks to the access to more than 600 exchange programs and agreements in Europe.

The main goal of the university is to raise the educational level of the university not only at the Turkish level and local competition, but also aspire to global competition, which makes continuous development is the main feature of the university, as those working on it develop in buildings and curricula as well as selecting educational staff with great care.

The university supports the study of the English language in many majors, which develops the strong language among students, and some majors are also taught in the Turkish language.

Istanbul Bilge University has succeeded in obtaining several international awards in quality and accreditation, including CEA accreditation in English language teaching, in addition to accreditation of MÜDEK for engineering sciences and TPD accreditation to the psychology department by the Turkish Psychologists Association.


Since 2006, Istanbul Bilgi University is the only Turkish University affiliated with the leading network of international Laureate universities.

Your choice for Istanbul Bilgi University puts you on the right path from the start, on the scientific level, and acquiring the skills you need, and then on the practical level when you enter the labor market.


Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Architecture English 6600
Industrial Products Design English 6600
Interior architecture and environmental design English 6600
Comparative Literature English 5016
History English 5016
Music (Conservatory) English 6200
Visual communication design English 5016
Advertising & Brand Communication Management English 5016
Business Administration English 6600
International trade English 6600
Economics English 6600
econonics and finance English 6600
Marketing English 6600
Civil Engineering English 6600
Computer Engineering English 6600
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 6600
Energy Systems Engineering English 6600
Industrial Engineering English 6600
Biomedical Engineering English 6600
Mechatronics Engineering English 6600
Mechanical Engineering English 6600
Psychology English 6600
teaching english English 5016
Sociology English 5016
Communication Design and mangement English 6200
Digital Game Design English 6200
Applied Mathematics English 6600
International Relations English 6200
Political Science and Public Administration English 6600
Fashion Design English 6000
logistics management English 6000
New Media English 5016
Public relations and advertising English 5016
Radio, cinema and television English 5016
Management Information Systems English 6600
International logistics and transportation English 6600
Physical therapy and rehabilitation English 6600
Civil Aviation Administration English 6600
Sports Management English 5016
Photography and videography English 6200
Cooking Art English 4400
Tourism and Hotel Management English 5016
Nursing Turkish 6600
Child development Turkish 6600
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 6600
Sociology Turkish 5016

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
