جامعة اسطنبول التجارية هي الجامعة التي قامت غرفة تجارة اسطنبول بتأسيسها لتكون واحدة من أهم الجامعات التركية، وهي جامعة خاصة غير ربحية تتميز بجودة البرامج الدراسية، كما تعتمد على طاقم تدريس بخبرات واسعة وعلى درجة عالية من الكفاءة والمهارة، وتوفر للطلاب فرصة الحصول على شهادات علمية معتمدة في العديد من التخصصات العلمية، من خلال اعتماد الجامعة على استخدام أحدث الأساليب التعليمية في إيصال المعلومات للطلاب لتخريج كادر يمتلك القدرة على التعامل في قطاع الأعمال بصورة مثالية

"> جامعة اسطنبول التجارية هي الجامعة التي قامت غرفة تجارة اسطنبول بتأسيسها لتكون واحدة من أهم الجامعات التركية، وهي جامعة خاصة غير ربحية تتميز بجودة البرامج الدراسية، كما تعتمد على طاقم تدريس بخبرات واسعة وعلى درجة عالية من الكفاءة والمهارة، وتوفر للطلاب فرصة الحصول على شهادات علمية معتمدة في العديد من التخصصات العلمية، من خلال اعتماد الجامعة على استخدام أحدث الأساليب التعليمية في إيصال المعلومات للطلاب لتخريج كادر يمتلك القدرة على التعامل في قطاع الأعمال بصورة مثالية


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


Istanbul Commercial University is considered one of the top 3 universities in Turkey, as it blends the university with the business world through the use of high-quality, distinguished training programs with a team of the best professors, and this university was established in 2001 in Istanbul, which is one of the most famous cities. Commercial in Turkey, as Istanbul has a cultural history and a commercial and economic history that makes it an ideal place for trade, and the university is keen to use many advanced technologies and methods that help students in education, and it also depends in the study programs on the Turkish language and English to provide the student with the opportunity to choose the language that suits His abilities and skills.


Istanbul University includes 6 faculties and 4 institutes that include important scientific disciplines, including business administration, economics, international trade, economics, international logistics, banking and finance, electrical and electronic engineering, aviation management, computer engineering, political science and international relations, media and communication and others Specializations, as the number of professors in the faculty reaches 300 members with a high degree of experience and skill in various fields.


Istanbul Commercial University is characterized by having more than one campus, and there is the Uskudar campus, which includes the Preparatory Department for the English Language, the Center for Continuing Education, the Self-Development and Psychological Counseling Unit, the Career Planning Unit, Studios, and the Erasmus Coordination Office.


Istanbul Commercial University has a number of agreements and partnerships with many international universities and local universities, which greatly contributes to the exchange of students to gain different experiences and skills.


Istanbul Business University holds a distinguished position in academic education with national activities and international activities


The university is distinguished by its strong educational qualifications while having important relationships in the business world to provide full support to students


The university offers many recreational activities, and we find it contains a student social association, a swimming pool and other facilities


Istanbul Commercial University works to strengthen the culture of inquiry throughout the community at the university level and beyond, and is keen to preserve knowledge and produce creative work, in order to enhance student life.


Istanbul Commercial University is distinguished by providing all educational equipment and devices for researchers and students, in addition to providing a high level of educational quality to increase students' knowledge


Istanbul Business University aims to graduate a competent generation capable of adapting to the continuous changes in society and the ability to accommodate scientific development and technological development while preserving global moral values.




Istanbul Commercial University is distinguished by its important position among universities at the local and global levels, as Istanbul Commercial University ranks No. 73 in the ranking of the best universities in Turkey, and is ranked No. 4672 in the global rankings of the best universities in the world


Istanbul Commercial University has the distinction of being accredited by the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education


Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
