منذ تأسيس جامعة يني يوزيل في عام 2009م نجحت في احتلال مرتبة جيدة في المنصات التعليمية ليست فقط في تركيا، وإنما لها صدى إيجابي في الكثير من الدول الأوروبية، وذلك بفضل رؤيتها الواضحة وهي الوصول إلى أن تصبح منصة تعليمية رائدة عالمياً في وقت قريب، فترتيبها الحالي 8022 عالمياً، وتحتل المرتبة 148 محلياً

"> منذ تأسيس جامعة يني يوزيل في عام 2009م نجحت في احتلال مرتبة جيدة في المنصات التعليمية ليست فقط في تركيا، وإنما لها صدى إيجابي في الكثير من الدول الأوروبية، وذلك بفضل رؤيتها الواضحة وهي الوصول إلى أن تصبح منصة تعليمية رائدة عالمياً في وقت قريب، فترتيبها الحالي 8022 عالمياً، وتحتل المرتبة 148 محلياً


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


Yeni Yuzyil University

Yeni Yuzyil University Istanbul is one of the best private Turkish universities that have attracted the attention of students from different parts of the world who want to obtain a distinct educational level aimed primarily at developing creative sense and innovation, and brings all students to a high intellectual and cultural level, thanks to its advanced educational system It is based on the latest advanced curricula that are far from indoctrination, and provide all means and aids to excel students.

Since the establishment of Yeni Yuzyil University in 2009 the university has succeeded in occupying a good position in educational platforms not only in Turkey, but also has a positive resonance in many European countries, thanks to its clear vision which is to reach and become a leading educational platform globally soon, so its current arrangement 8022 globally, and ranks 148th locally, thanks to the cooperation and efforts of those responsible for it and marching according to a comprehensive vision in order to improve the university’s rank and enter the list of top 500 universities globally.

Yeni Yuzyil University Campus

The presence of the university in Istanbul, specifically in the historical Topkapi region, which is one of the most famous and beautiful Turkish regions. The university grants another distinctive dimension in terms of the location adjacent to the city center of Istanbul, and the availability of all means of transportation, and when you enter the campus you will truly feel dazzled by the greatness of construction, which has manifested modernity Urbanism, as the buildings are designed in a modern way to match European buildings with their modern architecture.

The university's campus includes many cultural services that vary between large halls and huge libraries of study full of books and references in all majors, in addition to the presence of laboratories equipped at the highest level with the latest equipment and technologies, and entertainment services are also available from restaurants and squares that bring students together.

The number of students enrolled in the university is approximately 17 thousand local and international students joined to multiple majors in 10 colleges including dentistry, pharmacy and human medicine, translation and natural sciences departments, media, trade, economics, architecture, electrical and political science, in addition to 3 higher institutes, 3 vocational schools and 3 centers for scientific research.

Yeni Yuzyil University Characteristics

Yeni Yuzyil University has many advantages that make it among the first options for students looking for a distinct educational and cultural platform, and among the most prominent of these advantages:


The university adopts from all European Union countries and increases cultural exchange programs with major international universities, which means the exchange of cultural experiences and distinguished educational staff. This university includes a group of the most skilled doctors and professors, who number approximately 1500.

Various specializations between the scientific and literary departments, and advanced curricula to advance the intellectual, cultural and artistic level of students.

The university's reliance on the latest technologies and means of modern technology and training students to use them with high professionalism, with a constant desire to develop and keep abreast of what is modern in the educational system.

Excellent educational quality and practical and field training in many majors to prepare for work on the ground in a professional manner, in addition to internationally accredited certificates.

The programs are taught in English and Turkish in many majors, which strengthens the language for students in a practical way.

Yeni Yuzyil University is a cultural educational organization that operates according to a comprehensive vision to raise the level of students and provide all means of comfort to achieve excellence and excellence.

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Human Medicine Turkish 11400
Dentistry Turkish 10640
Pharmacy Turkish 6650
Faculty of Law Turkish 6300
English language and literature English 2000
English language and translation English 2000
Molecular Biology and Genetics Turkish 2000
Psychology Turkish 2000
Graphic design Turkish 2000
Performing Arts Turkish 2000
Business Administration Turkish 2000
Political Science And international relations Turkish 2000
International trade Turkish 2000
Visual communication design Turkish 2000
Public relations and advertising Turkish 2000
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 2000
New Media and Journalism English 2000
Biomedical Engineering Turkish 2000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Turkish 2000
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 2000
Architecture Turkish 2000
Turkish language and literature Turkish 2000
Health Department English 2000
Nursing Turkish 2000
Nutrition and Dietetic English 2000
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 2000
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 2000
Turkish language and literature Turkish 2000

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 4500
Business Administration Turkish 4500
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 3500
Health Department Turkish 4500
Media and Communications Management Turkish 4500
Clinical Embriology Turkish 4500
Private Law Turkish 4500
English language and literature English 5000
Anglo-American Literature and Creative Writing English 5000
Biomedical Engineering Turkish 4500
econonics and finance Turkish 4500
Political Science And international relations Turkish 4500
Orthodontics English 75000
Sunni compensation English 30000
Painting Restoration and Technology Turkish 4500

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
English language and literature English 9500
Political Science And international relations Turkish 9500
