جامعة قادر هاس هي واحدة من أبرز الجامعات في تركيا، تقع الجامعة في الطرف الأوروبي من مدينة اسطنبول في تركيا، وتضم الجامعة الكثير من التخصصات المختلفة أهمها الهندسة، والإدارة، والحقوق، والفنون، والعلوم الاجتماعية، والاقتصاد، والعلوم الطبيعية، وغيرها من التخصصات الهامة مما يوفر لكل طالب فرصة اختيار التخصص الذي يرغب في دراسته

"> جامعة قادر هاس هي واحدة من أبرز الجامعات في تركيا، تقع الجامعة في الطرف الأوروبي من مدينة اسطنبول في تركيا، وتضم الجامعة الكثير من التخصصات المختلفة أهمها الهندسة، والإدارة، والحقوق، والفنون، والعلوم الاجتماعية، والاقتصاد، والعلوم الطبيعية، وغيرها من التخصصات الهامة مما يوفر لكل طالب فرصة اختيار التخصص الذي يرغب في دراسته


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


Kadir Has University

Kadir Has University is considered one of the important Turkish universities in Istanbul, as it is an accredited university from the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education, and it is recognized in the European Union and the Arab countries. Kadir Has University was established by the late engineer Abdul Qadir in 1997, the university was distinguished Since the begging until it occupied a distinguished position in international universities ranking lists, we find it one of the best 300 universities in the world, as it has a ranking among the best universities in Turkey, we find it one of the 100 best Turkish universities, Kadir Has University has important relations with many universities in the United States of America and in the United Kingdom.

Kadir Has University Campus

Kadir Has University is distinguished by its campus, which reflects a more than wonderful mix that includes modernity and antiquity, we find that it dates back to the year 1884 in the era of the Ottoman Empire, and many amendments were made to it to renew it to be a university campus with a high degree of excellence in addition to equipping it with the latest technologies and technological means. The campus includes a group of 7 different colleges, which are the College of Management, Engineering, Economics, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Law, and

Media. There are also a number of graduate schools and a number of Vocational schools.

Kadir Has University Characteristics

Kadir Has University embraces a fundamental principle, which is the graduation of a generation capable of dealing with all obstacles that stand before it with a great deal of self-confidence that enables it to express itself while respecting others and accepting different points of view.

The university provides education in all traditional and modern majors that have been developed, with the aim of reaching a distinguished position among the best universities in education, and research .

Kadir Has University is keen to occupy a position in the international rankings in the fields of scientific research development

The University is constantly working to increase the skills that contribute to social and cultural development

The University is distinguished by offering a set of scholarships for each student who achieves a high GPA

Kadir Has University is committed to adhering to international standards of academic quality to ensure the achievement of its goals

The university is distinguished by the moderate cost of studying in it, compared to other universities

Kadir Has University provides opportunities for students in student exchange programs, as it has many partnerships with a number of British universities and American universities

The university uses the best modern and advanced technical methods in the educational process that depends on practical training through a distinguished academic team from the United Kingdom and the United States of America

The university has a medical center equipped at the highest level so that it can receive all cases

The university is interested in providing various workshops regarding administrative and technical specializations

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Public Relations English 5400
Radio, cinema and television English 5400
Advertising & Brand Communication Management English 5400
New Media English 5400
Communication Design English 5400
Real Estate and Asset Valuation English 5400
Accounting and Finance Management English 5400
International trade English 5400
Industrial Products Design English 5400
Architecture English 5400
Computer Engineering English 5400
Bioinformatics and Genetics English 5400
Management Information Systems English 5400
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 5400
Economics English 5400
Psychology English 5400
Political Science and Public Administration English 5400
International Relations English 5400
Business Administration English 5400
Graphic design English 5400
Visual communication design English 5400
Interior architecture and environmental design English 5400
Public Relations and Information English 5400
American culture and literature English 5400
Molecular engineering and genetics English 5400
Energy Systems Engineering English 5400
Banking and Insurance Turkish 5400
Faculty of Law Turkish 5400
Management of Performing Arts Turkish 5400
Industrial Engineering Turkish 5400

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Computer Engineering English 6000
Electronics Engineering English 6000
Industrial Engineering English 6000
Information Technologies English 6000
Biology using computer technologies English 6000
Management Information Systems English 6000
Financial Engineering English 6000
Economics English 6000
Film and Drama English 6000
Banking and Finance English 6000
Communication Sciences English 6000
Business Administration English 6000
Graphic design English 6000
International Relations English 6000
New Media English 6000
Cinema and Television English 6000
Energy and sustainable development English 6000
Psychology English 6000
Marketing English 6000
Risk Management English 6000
Private Law Turkish 6000
Public Law LL.M. Turkish 6000

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Computer Engineering English 10000
Bioinformatics and Genetics English 10000
Electronics Engineering English 10000
Management Information Systems English 10000
Economics English 10000
Banking and Finance English 10000
International Relations English 10000
Industrial Engineering English 10000
Biology using computer technologies English 10000
Private Law Turkish 10000
