عند الحديث عن أفضل الجامعات في اسطنبول لا يمكننا دون ذكر جامعة أوسكودار، تلك التي تحظى بمكانة رائدة في التعليم العالي محلياً ودولياً، فخيارات الالتحاق بجامعات اسطنبول المتعددة من أسباب حيرة الكثير من الطلاب إلا أن الدراسة في جامعة ذات رؤية شاملة وتسير وفقًا لأهداف محددة للارتقاء بمستوى الطلاب والوصول إلى قدر عال من الجودة

"> عند الحديث عن أفضل الجامعات في اسطنبول لا يمكننا دون ذكر جامعة أوسكودار، تلك التي تحظى بمكانة رائدة في التعليم العالي محلياً ودولياً، فخيارات الالتحاق بجامعات اسطنبول المتعددة من أسباب حيرة الكثير من الطلاب إلا أن الدراسة في جامعة ذات رؤية شاملة وتسير وفقًا لأهداف محددة للارتقاء بمستوى الطلاب والوصول إلى قدر عال من الجودة


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


9 years of leadership in the field of higher education and scientific research, since the University of Uskudar was established in 2011 it has a distinguished position and continuous progress in the universities ranking globally and locally thanks to its efforts in raising the educational and cultural level of all its students and graduates, the university ranked 6464 globally. those working on it strive to rise It ranks among the top 500 universities in the world by 2023, and locally, Uskudar Istanbul University is among the top 100 universities in Turkey and attracts millions of students annually to study.

Uskudar Istanbul University supports educational exchange programs with the best universities in the world, thanks to which both educational and cultural experiences as well as distinguished staff from the faculty and students are exchanged, which contributes to an increase in the number of students joining the study in various colleges, where the number of students enrolled in the university reached 22 Thousands of local and international students, as well as a 1500 team of highly qualified teachers and professors.

Uskudar University Campus

Between 4 colleges and 4 higher institutes and nearly 28 vocational and medical schools and more than 30 scientific research centers, we find 3 campuses that have been equipped at the highest level and provide them with all the basic services and means that students need throughout the study period, these services vary between educational, cultural and Technology services.

The main campus of the university is located in the famous Altunizade district of Uskudar, which is one of the vital areas in Istanbul. In addition to the massive services available on the university campus there is also an employment center, which is specialized in providing consulting and guidance services for students as well as vocational training.

Uskudar University Characteristics

Why choose to study at Uskudar Istanbul University? a lot of students wish to obtain an excellent educational service that pays results in the scientific and practical fields, and this is why the choice always depends on the amount of benefits that the university can provide:

The multiplicity of majors at the university meets the needs of all students, with a special focus on the medical specializations at the undergraduate and also postgraduate levels.

Encouraging scientific research, and providing many laboratories that serve this creative sense and innovation

Relying on the latest modern technologies and advanced curricula to advance the intellectual and cultural level of students away from indoctrination, in addition to adopting various technology means and training students to benefit from them in a practical way

Thanks to the University of Uskudar partnerships with several European universities, and its membership in the Erasmus Organization for Student Exchange between universities worldwide, graduate students obtain internationally accredited certificates, as well as increasing opportunities for cultural exchange and dealing with selected elites of the best scientific staff in the field of teaching

Practical and field training on working life after graduation and how to integrate into the job market, through the establishment of workshops continuously and conferences with businessmen, scientists and successful personalities in all different disciplines.

The opportunity to join a leading university in the field of higher education and scientific research ensures that you have a good educational level and accredited professional certificates, and this is what Uskudar Istanbul University provides you with its immense services and benefits.

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Human Medicine English 14250
Human Medicine Turkish 13300
Biomedical Engineering English 3000
Chemical and biological engineering English 3000
Computer Engineering English 3000
Industrial Engineering English 3000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 3000
Molecular Biology and Genetics English 3000
Software Engineering English 3000
Political Science And international relations English 3000
Psychology English 3000
Psychology Turkish 2500
Advertising & Brand Communication Management Turkish 2500
Journalism Turkish 2500
History Turkish 2500
Cartoon and animation Turkish 2500
Public relations and advertising Turkish 2500
Visual communication design Turkish 2500
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 2500
Philosophy Turkish 2500
Sociology Turkish 2500
New Media Turkish 2500
Political Science And international relations Turkish 2500
Forensic Sciences Turkish 2500
Molecular Biology and Genetics Turkish 2500
Audiology Turkish 2500
Child development Turkish 2500
Social Work Turkish 2500
Nursing Turkish 2500
Health Department Turkish 2500
Midwifery Turkish 2500
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 2500
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 2500
Prosthetics and Orthotics Turkish 2500
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 2500
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 2500

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 3100
Computer Engineering English 3100
Information Security English 3100
Information Security Turkish 3100
Applied Psychology Turkish 5510
Clinical psychology Turkish 9200
International Relations Turkish 2900
Child development Turkish 3100
Media and Cultural Turkish 2900
New Media Turkish 2900
Philosophy Turkish 2900
Visual communication design Turkish 2900
Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation Turkish 3100
Child Health and Diseases Nursing Turkish 3100
Midwifery Turkish 2700
Internal Medicine Nursing Turkish 3100
Psychiatric Nursing Turkish 3100
Health Department Turkish 3100
Neuroscience Turkish 4150
Occupational Health and Safety Turkish 3100
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 3100
Social Work Turkish 3100
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 3100
Biotechnology Turkish 3100
Biomedical Engineering Turkish 3100
Legitimate genes Turkish 3100
Microbiology Turkish 3100
Forensic and digital evidence Turkish 4150
Crime Prevention and Analysis Turkish 4150
Crime Scene Investigation and Criminalistic Turkish 4150
Forensic Chemistry Turkish 4150
Legitimate genes Turkish 4150
Forensic Psychology Turkish 4150
Forensic toxicology Turkish 4150
Criminal justice Turkish 4150
Sociology Turkish 2900

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Psychology Turkish 12200
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 7950
Nursing Turkish 7950
Neuroscience Turkish 7950
Forensic Sciences Turkish 9600
Health Department Turkish 9600
