خلال رحلة بحث مئات الطلاب سنوياً عن وجهة تعليمية على قدر عال من الكفاءة والاحترافية، يجد الطلاب الكثير من الخيارات الجيدة ومنها جامعة مديبول، التي تسعى جاهدة للارتقاء بمستوى الطلاب المنضمين إليها على الصعيد العلمي والثقافي وأيضاً الفكري، ارتقاء شاهدنا ثماره بالفعل في الطلاب الخريجين والذين انطلقوا إلى سوق العمل بقدر كبير من الثقة، وتمكنوا من إيجاد الكثير من الفرص العملية الرائعة، وتطبيق ما تم اكتسابه طوال فترة الدراسة على أرض الواقع بالفعل

"> خلال رحلة بحث مئات الطلاب سنوياً عن وجهة تعليمية على قدر عال من الكفاءة والاحترافية، يجد الطلاب الكثير من الخيارات الجيدة ومنها جامعة مديبول، التي تسعى جاهدة للارتقاء بمستوى الطلاب المنضمين إليها على الصعيد العلمي والثقافي وأيضاً الفكري، ارتقاء شاهدنا ثماره بالفعل في الطلاب الخريجين والذين انطلقوا إلى سوق العمل بقدر كبير من الثقة، وتمكنوا من إيجاد الكثير من الفرص العملية الرائعة، وتطبيق ما تم اكتسابه طوال فترة الدراسة على أرض الواقع بالفعل


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


istanbul medipol university

Medipol University is considered one of the leading universities not only in Turkey but also at the European level, it is certainly one of the best universities in Turkey and has succeeded in attracting many international students from various parts of the world since its foundation in 2009, thanks to its distinguished location that makes it mediate two continents Among the most important continents of the world are the Asian continent and the European continent.

The vision of the university is clear since its foundation, which is the global leadership, with its global ranking reaching 6485, but they are trying to become among the top 500 universities worldwide soon, and the effort is evident in the total interest in everything related to the university from adopting advanced curricula In the method of teaching, as well as applying the latest modern technology and providing all scientific and educational services to students

The university also pays wide attention to scientific research and encourages cultural exchange programs with the best universities in the world, through which many educational staff faculty have been exchanged with expertise and competence in all majors, which means that approximately 15 thousand students locally and internationally benefit from obtaining excellent educational quality, certificates Internationally accredited.

Medipol University Campus 

The cultural heritage surrounds the university from different regions in a scene that makes students feel as if they are in an international university on European lands. The university has two campuses, the first is located in the kavacık region, which is located on the Asian side of Istanbul and includes both pharmacy, health sciences, engineering, social sciences, arts, while The second campus is located in the Halic District located on the European side and includes colleges of human medicine and dentistry.

The campus of Medipol University is abundant with the availability of all cultural and entertainment services, as the campus includes spacious halls equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment, as well as various tennis and basketball courts and student gathering grounds, and about 50 student clubs, in addition to cinema, theater and photography studios, there are also health facilities.

Medipol University Characteristics 

Medipol Istanbul University has many of the immense advantages that make it a leader in higher education and scientific research at the local and international levels, and makes it among the basic options for many students, the most prominent of these are the following:

The university includes a group of the best teaching staff from teachers and professors who enjoy high efficiency in raising the educational and cultural level of students.

The latest technologies and modern methods are adopted, as well as means of technology to train students in a practical way, and to achieve their level of high level in academic education

The university is famous for its medical specialties and its pioneering role in the health fields. It even owns the Medipol Health Complex, which includes hospitals and health centers and is considered the largest health project in Turkey

Thanks to cultural exchange programs with the best international universities, the student guarantees excellent educational quality, advanced curricula aimed at developing innovation and the distance from indoctrination, as well as internationally accredited certificates.

The university is rich with cultural and medical services. On every campus, you will find a large library that includes books and references for all specialties, as well as a center for medical and applied research equipped with the latest devices and equipment.

Studying in a professional educational platform equipped with all services such as the Medipol University qualifies students to qualify for a professional start-up in the labor market with great confidence, due to their practical and field training throughout the study period



istanbul medipol university

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Human Medicine English 23400
Dentistry English 18000
Pharmacy English 10800
Nursing English 4500
Physical therapy and rehabilitation English 4500
Health Department English 4000
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu English 4000
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 4500
Biomedical Engineering English 4500
Industrial Engineering English 4500
Computer Engineering English 4500
Civil Engineering English 4500
Business Administration English 3960
econonics and finance English 3960
International trade English 3960
Management Information Systems English 3960
logistics management English 3960
Psychology English 3800
Political Science And international relations English 3800
Political Science and Public Administration English 3800
Architecture English 4500
Interior architecture and environmental design English 4500
Psychological Counseling and Guidance English 3800
teaching english English 3800
Public relations and advertising English 3800
Human Medicine Turkish 18000
Dentistry Turkish 14400
Pharmacy Turkish 7500
Faculty of Law Turkish 6500
Nursing Turkish 4000
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 4000
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 4000
Health Department Turkish 4000
Audiology Turkish 4000
Prosthetics and Orthotics Turkish 4000
Child development Turkish 4000
Midwifery Turkish 4000
Social Work Turkish 4000
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 4000
Civil Engineering Turkish 4500
International trade Turkish 3960
Management Information Systems Turkish 3960
logistics management Turkish 3960
Human Resources Management Turkish 3960
Civil Aviation Administration Turkish 3960
Psychology Turkish 3800
Political Science and Public Administration Turkish 3800
Architecture Turkish 4500
Industrial Products Design Turkish 3800
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 4500
Visual communication design Turkish 3800
Music (Conservatory) Turkish 3800
Cooking Art Turkish 3800
Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Turkish 3800
Psychological Counseling and Guidance Turkish 3800
Applied Mathematics Turkish 3800
Journalism Turkish 3800
Public relations and advertising Turkish 3800
New Media and Communication Systems Turkish 3800
Radio, cinema and television Turkish 3800

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price

Photo istanbul medipol university