جامعة إستينيا هي واحدة من أهم مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تركيا، توجد الجامعة في الجانب الأوروبي من مدينة اسطنبول، تتميز هذه الجامعة باحتوائها على العديد من التخصصات البحثية الهامة، بالإضافة إلى امتلاكها لعدد كبير من المستشفيات المتخصصة

"> جامعة إستينيا هي واحدة من أهم مؤسسات التعليم العالي في تركيا، توجد الجامعة في الجانب الأوروبي من مدينة اسطنبول، تتميز هذه الجامعة باحتوائها على العديد من التخصصات البحثية الهامة، بالإضافة إلى امتلاكها لعدد كبير من المستشفيات المتخصصة


Number of students


University Ranking

University address


istinye university

istinye university

istinye university is considered one of the greatest private, non-profit universities in Turkey. The university offers many high-quality educational programs and courses that provide students with a good opportunity to obtain accredited academic degrees in various academic disciplines. istinye university was established in 2015 by the Anatolian institution to be one of the best Turkish universities in medical fields programs, the university also provides students with the opportunity to train in the most prominent hospitals in Turkey, the most important of which are Medical Park, Liv Hospital, VM Medical Park, which makes it an ideal destination for large numbers of students who comes every year.

The Campus

istinye university includes a group of different colleges, the most important of which are the College of Medicine, Pharmacy, Health Sciences and Administrative Sciences, Architecture, Fine Arts, Economics and Social Sciences. The campus of the Universityis located in the Topkapi region which is located on the European side in Istanbul, The building has 37 rooms and 47 laboratories, and can accommodate 4000 students, in addition to the presence of many important facilities, including a library, gym and meeting rooms.


Istinye University Characteristics

- istinye university seeks to obtain the maximum benefit from the experiences of scientists inside and outside the country in order to provide a good environment for individuals in the future

- The university allows students to enhance their skills by participating in social work and various group projects

- The university offers students the latest technologies to help them obtain a degree

- istinye university is interested in organizing various educational activities, conducting scientific research, and organizing social services in accordance with international standards

- The university offers multiple opportunities for cultural exchange in a number of European countries, including Germany and Italy, through The Erasmus program

- The University has a group of strong relationships with international universities, including American universities and others

- The university strives to produce generations with a high degree of efficiency and skill for the development of society

- The university is based on preserving human values in planning, teaching, research and education

- The university is keen to create a good learning environment that provides each student with a great amount of knowledge and skill

- The University is keen on providing a distinguished educational level in order to influence the scientific, cultural, economic, technological and social development to ensure a bright future

- The university has a great location in Istanbul, Turkey, near all public transportation that provides every student with a good opportunity to get the services he needs

- The University provides students with high educational quality relying on professional practices in its affiliated hospitals, and enhancing the skills and


capabilities of faculty members at the university, which makes it an important center for research and science in Turkey

- The University is interested in providing all means and methods that provide students with a good opportunity to gain extensive experience in various disciplines, by focusing heavily on the practical part, which provides the individual good work opportunities after graduation

istinye university

Bachelor specialty

The duration of the study is 4 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Human Medicine English 21600
Dentistry English 18630
Pharmacy English 11880
Human Medicine Turkish 19440
Pharmacy Turkish 10800
New Media and Communication Systems English 4320
Radio, cinema and television English 4320
Interpretation and Translation English 4320
Molecular Biology and Genetics English 4320
Applied Mathematics English 4320
Sociology English 4320
English language and literature English 4320
Economics English 4320
Chemistry English 4320
Business Administration English 4320
International Relations English 4320
International trade English 4320
Management Information Systems English 4320
Digital Game Design English 4860
Cooking Art English 4860
Physical therapy and rehabilitation English 4860
Nursing English 4860
Architecture English 5400
Mechanical Engineering English 5400
Computer Engineering English 5400
Civil Engineering English 5400
Software Engineering English 5400
Electrical-Electronics Engineering English 5400
Industrial Engineering English 5400
Biomedical Engineering English 5400
Bioinformatics and Genetics English 5400
Psychology English 5400
Public relations and advertising Turkish 4320
Philosophy Turkish 4320
Visual communication design Turkish 4320
Midwifery Turkish 4320
Audiology Turkish 4320
Social Work Turkish 4320
Turkish language and literature Turkish 4320
Health Department Turkish 4320
Political Science and Public Administration Turkish 4320
Management Information Systems Turkish 4320
Child development Turkish 4320
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 4320
Psychology Turkish 4860
Cooking Art Turkish 4860
Nutrition and Dietetic Turkish 4860
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 4860
Nursing Turkish 4860
Interior architecture and environmental design Turkish 5400
Architecture Turkish 5400
Software Engineering Turkish 5400
Economics Turkish 4320
Business Administration Turkish 4320
International Relations Turkish 4320
New Media and Communication Systems Turkish 4320

Master's specialty

The duration of the study is two years

Specialty name Study language Price
Surgical Nursing Turkish 5400
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Turkish 5400
Konuma ve dil terapisi ve rehabilitasyonu Turkish 5400
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 5400
Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Turkish 5400
Neuroscience Turkish 5400
Cancer Biology and Pharmacology Turkish 5400
Medical Genetics Turkish 5400
Business Administration Turkish 5400
Health Department Turkish 5400
Political Science And international relations Turkish 5400
Psychology Turkish 4860
Sports Physiotherapy Turkish 5400
Architecture Turkish 5400
Computer Engineering Turkish 5400

PhD specialty

The duration of the study is 3 years

Specialty name Study language Price
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Turkish 10800
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Turkish 10800
Health Department Turkish 10800
Physical therapy and rehabilitation Turkish 10800
Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Turkish 10800
Molecular Oncology Turkish 10800

Photo istinye university